Bundle of 5 Slimlines boxes summery

Treat someone with the best tastes handmade in the Chocolaterie de Puyricard and enjoy our fresh products for summer!

This lot of five slimlines boxes will enchant young and old. Composition is as followed :

One Citronnettes rulerbox 100g

One Calisson rulerbox 120g

One Marshmallow rulerbox 55g

One fruit paste rulerbox 100g

One Orangette rulerbox 100g

En savoir plus

Treat someone with the best tastes handmade in the Chocolaterie de Puyricard and enjoy our fresh products for summer!

This lot of five slimlines boxes will enchant young and old. Composition is as followed :

One Citronnettes rulerbox 100g

One Calisson rulerbox 120g

One Marshmallow rulerbox 55g

One fruit paste rulerbox 100g

One Orangette rulerbox 100g



Ce produit n'est pas disponible en C&C, si vous choisissez une livraison en C&C pour un futur produit, ce produit ne sera pas pris en compte dans votre commande.

Classic Calissons : Sweet and bitter almonds, candied melons and oranges, sugar, glucose syrup, unleavened bread (potato starch, water, sunflower oil), egg white, lemon juice, vanilla flavouring, salt, 1627kJ / 390kcal
Marshmallow : Sugar, water, powdered egg white, glucose syrup (sulphites), sweet fruit puree (passion fruit, sugar), gelling preparation (beef gelatine, wheat dextose, corn starch), 1261kJ / 298kcal
Candied orange / lemon confits : Fruit peels, sugar, glucose syrup, 1353 kJ / 323kcal
Fruit paste : Fruits, sugar, glucose syrup, tartaric acid, fruit pectin, 1335kJ / 314kcal

Fruits, Sweet and bitter almonds, candied melons and oranges, egg white, egg white powder, fruit pectin., fruit peels, gelling preparation, glucose syrup, lemon juice, salt, sugar, sugar, sweetened fruit puree, tartaric acid, unleavened bread, vanilla flavouring, water

Classic Calissons : Fat : 21g, Satured fatty acid : 1.60 g, Glucid Content : 36g, Sugar : 31g, Protein : 10g, Salt : 0.06 g
Marshmallow : Fat : 0 g, Satured fatty acid : 0g, Glucid Content : 58 g, Sugar : 52 g, Protein : 14 g, Salt : 0.48 g
Candied orange / lemon confits : Fat : 0 g, Satured fatty acid : 0 g, Glucid Content : 80 g, Sugar : 50 g, Protein : 1 g, Salt : 0 g
Fruit paste : Fat : < 0.50 g, Satured fatty acid : 0 g, Glucid Content : 77 g, Sugar : 69 g, Protein : < 0.50 g, Salt : 0.065 g


Classic Calissons : Gluten : Traces, Eggs : Presence, Milk : Traces, Soy : Presence, Nuts : Presence, Sesame : Traces
Marshmallow : Gluten : Traces, Eggs : Presence, Milk : Traces, Soy : Traces, Nuts : Traces, Sesame : Traces, Sulfite : Presence
Candied orange / lemon confits : Gluten : Traces, Eggs : Traces, Milk : Traces, Soy : Traces, Nuts : Traces, Sésame : Traces
Fruit paste : Eggs : Traces, Milk : Traces, Soy : Traces, Nuts : Presence, Sesame : Traces

Test allergène EP


Publié le 31/07/2023

par Remi P.



Publié le 09/02/2023

par Anonymous A.

produits de qualité

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